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Project Delta

We are so grateful to everyone who has helped us to get close to ticking everything off our list. Click on the image above to find out what’s left. If you can help out, please put your donations into our development account (below) and let us know what item you’d like to tick off.

Sort code: 40-12-18
Account no: 61208896
CYE Sailing Centre Ltd.

The DELTA Vlog, part 2 – Summer of ’23.
The building has taken shape and it’s time to look around and see what the future holds for CYE. Join us for this exciting chapter in the realisation of what we could only imagine this time last year.
Building the future of CYE: pictures of the finished building

The new building provides updated, accessible changing facilities for our guests as well as new staff accommodation, workshops and training spaces.

We still need your help to complete the project. Over £1.75 million has already be donated or pledged, but we need help in two ways:

  1. New monthly donations to help pay off our £150,000 loan
  2. Lump sum donations to help us reach our target of £2.1 million

Please send any donations directly to the following account:

CYE Sailing Centre
Sort Code: 40-12-18
Account Number: 51380648

Reference “renewables” for new regular monthly donations.

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