Water Activities

We have a variety of boats for all ages, abilities, group size and weather conditions. Ranging from our smaller dinghies – Hartley 10s through to Zests, Fevas and Wayfarers. We also have four Drascombe Long Boats which take up to 8 people and are perfect for getting to the beach and school groups. For the experienced sailors (used on sailing courses and camps) we have a range of high performance boats.
Our fleet of kayaks are perfect for learning in – we have TG Lites, Master TGs as well as a fleet of Sit On Top kayaks. We also have a range of instructor Kayaks for our paddling courses
Canoeing and Raft Building
With a fleet of Mad River and Old Town canoes we can run a diverse activity programme and training courses. These canoes also come with us on our Wilderness trips where we take a small group for a two day canoeing adventure.
Our canoes also double up as our raft building activity where children are given a manual to raft two canoes together, add a mast and sail and get their boats out on the water for some paddling and sailing races.
Land Activities

Assault Course
It’s all about team work! Work together to get through the assault course; award each other for things such as bravery, good ideas and helpfulness; get your brains thinking with problem solving obstacles and get your body moving with physical obstacles. Something for everyone.
A big favourite – practise your Robin Hood skills! We’ve got a variety of bows meaning this activity is suitable for a wide range of ages.
Our newest activity and becoming a big favourite with all our groups. It’s a series of interconnecting pipes of 3 different sizes. We start in the training area with lots of games to get used to the tunnels. The tunnels themselves lend themselves to games such as cops and robbers and provide an excellent opportunity for children to adapt the activity to their own comfort level
Climbing Wall
One for all the monkeys out there! Our small climbing wall (or traversing as it’s officially known) is great activity which is often built into our tunnelling, assault course or team challenge activities.
Team Building Activities
All of our activities are about working together as a team but we also run a whole host of team challenges – cross the swamp, number run, plank skis, golf ball run, colour collection etc. These are often incorporated into a whole group activity – a race to complete the most activities to gain the most points.
These can also be self led on Corporate Days, Team meetings etc